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2 Reasons Why You Need a Home Network Upgrade Heading Into Fall

Make sure your networking capabilities are up-to-date to face the challenges of working and learning from home this fall

2 Reasons Why You Need a Home Network Upgrade Heading Into Fall

The dog days of summer are over and now the kids are heading back to school in Lake Oswego, OR. But for many parents, the start of school means the start of overseeing virtual learning at home, instead of sending kids back to in-person classes. And as if that weren’t stressful enough, e-learning adds new strain to a home network that is already overloaded from you and your spouse working at home all summer.

With everyone in the family requiring reliable connectivity, now is the time to upgrade your home network installation and make sure it’s up to the task of keeping your household running smoothly all day. Keep reading to learn two reasons why a fast, robust system is essential, heading into the fall months.   

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1. You’re Working and Learning From Home

Multiple people working and e-learning at home means multiple active devices on your network during the day. Suppose you have an old, weak network infrastructure. In that case, you may experience increased buffering, slow upload/download speeds, and fluctuating wireless signals when several people are trying to work on their computers simultaneously.

You also need to consider the strength of your network in different areas of your home. Do you get great wireless signals in the living room, but experience low connectivity in the kitchen? That won’t work if you and your family need space to spread out and work on separate tasks all day.

At Eighteen Group, we’ll lay a robust network infrastructure capable of supporting you, your spouse, and your kids for school and work. We can provide increased bandwidth, additional routers, wireless access points, and secure hard-wired connectivity to build a strong, fast, and reliable system that covers your entire house.      

2. Your Home Network Is More Vulnerable Than Ever

Over the past few months, we’ve transitioned many of our activities and transactions online to practice social distancing and help curb the spread of the dangerous coronavirus. We buy groceries, shop for supplies, use digital banking, make payments, have doctor’s appointments and more, all through the computers on our home network. And with many people working from home, we’re also accessing private company information and sensitive documents at home.

Our increased network activity leaves us even more vulnerable to network hacks. Do you remember the Zoom hacks back in May 2020? Hackers knew that Zoom’s security infrastructure wasn’t prepared for the huge uptick in people using video conferencing, just like they know many businesses and people don’t have the security infrastructure in place at home to work and shop securely.


At Eighteen Group, we’ll help protect your home network from breaches. We can provide firewalls, VPNs, two-factor identification, data encryption, and other security features to build an impenetrable fortress around your private information. Additionally, we encourage you to set unique passwords for network access.  

We’ll help you find a custom home network installation to deliver optimal performance for all your connected needs. Our team proudly serves residences in Lake Oswego, OR, and surrounding areas. Call us at 503-515-1192 or fill out a contact form to schedule a consultation. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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