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Articles in Category: Home Surveillance System Portland, OR

Is Santa Coming to Town or a Porch Pirate?  Is Santa Coming to Town or a Porch Pirate? 

A Home Surveillance System Keeps You and Your Presents Safe During the Holidays  

“G’yaaaarrrrrrr.” That’s what pirates used to say. Nowadays, they mostly come quietly by the porch and steal your latest order from Amazon. Porch piracy is bad enough the rest of the year, but it could cost you even more during the holidays. After all, that noise in the night might not be Santa coming down the chimney. 

At Eighteen Group, we are the smart home technologies experts in Portland, OR. We understand how important it is to protect your loved ones and any presents left on the porch. So, this holiday season, if you are looking to welcome strangers bearing gifts and keep away those wanting to steal them, a home surveillance system is the perfect gift for you.

Read on to learn how home surveillance helps you to better watch out for potential threats, not cry over lost presents nor pout at the thought of a thief drinking from your second favorite mug. 

16195 SE Goosehollow Dr.
Damascus, OR 97089
(503) 515-1192

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