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3 Signs That Its Time To Upgrade Your Home Network Services

If you are experiencing these problems, it might be time for an upgrade

3 Signs That Its Time To Upgrade Your Home Network Services

We rely on our home networks now more than ever, whether we are using them to work from home, attend online classes, or stream our favorite movies and TV shows. With this heavier usage, you may have noticed that your older network does not function as well as you thought it did. Maybe you are putting more devices on it, causing it to slow down or not work altogether. Read on to learn three signs that it's time to upgrade your home network service in Portland, OR.


Spotty and Unreliable Connection

How reliable is your internet connection? Does your streaming service frequently buffer when you are trying to watch your favorite shows? If your connection is spotty, it might be time to upgrade your home network system. Every time you open a browser on your laptop or connect to a Zoom call, your connection should be seamless and reliable.

Maybe your connection only works when you are in the office and close to the router. When you go to the kitchen, the bedroom, or the garage, you struggle to maintain a connection. Your home network might not accommodate your entire property. Out-of-the-box solutions are made to fit everyone's property and do not consider the unique features of your home. A professional home network is carefully designed based on the layout of your home so that no matter where you are, you can use your internet

Slow Connection

If your internet does connect, does it connect quickly? Are you constantly having to refresh your connection to get it to work? A slow network connection can be just as frustrating as a spotty one. You shouldn’t have to wait a few minutes to load a webpage or get a connected device to respond. When multiple devices are running at once, it can eat up your bandwidth and slow your connection. A professional network installation is created to support multiple devices without losing speed and tested to ensure that everything is running smoothly. Access your favorite shows and movies instantly!

Unsecured Network

Now that most people are working from home, they rely on their internet for their livelihoods. You are not only accessing your sensitive personal information but critical information from your company. You must have a secure network. Are you confident in the security of your home network? When is the last time that you updated your router’s firmware? A professional network installation will test the security of your system to ensure all of your data remains secure.


Are any of these signs causing problems in your home network? Let Eighteen Group help you upgrade your home network. Connect with us today to talk about your home network setup. We look forward to hearing from you.