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Smart Home Lighting Control Systems: Improving Health, Offering Convenience

The Right Lighting Control System Can Change Your Life

Smart Home Lighting Control Systems: Improving Health, Offering Convenience

Lighting is often something our customers in Portland, OR forget about while designing their smart home, but few features matter more to your health and your comfort.

The reason lighting control is so important is simple—natural light has a powerful effect on our circadian rhythms, and if our home is filled with the wrong type of light, our mood can be affected, our sleep can be ruined, and our bodies can suffer.

Here’s why it’s so important to install a lighting control system.

SEE ALSO: Home Lighting Control Can Help You Conserve Energy and Go Green

Matching the Natural Cycle of the Sun

Just having natural-light bulbs isn’t enough to fix the damage to your circadian rhythm that comes with most modern lighting. Sure, they help, but do you really want deal with turning them on and off and brightening them at noon and dimming them as the day progresses? Of course not. By installing the right lighting control system, you can set schedules that mimic the natural course of the sun throughout the day, brightening when the sun is rising and dimming as the sun lowers. Your lighting will adjust automatically, so that you can go about your day without having to worry about them.

The effect this can have on your body and your mind can be profound. Light late into the night can throw off our circadian rhythms and cause all the problems listed above. They can be solved in some cases by natural light. Even people who aren’t indoors all day can benefit from natural light—after all, it’s spent millions of years determining how our ancestors slept and ate, so it would still have the same effect on us.

When you add to that the convenience of never having to mess with the lights unless you’re wanting to change them to set the mood (mood lighting is still popular), then you can just set it and forget it and not worry about changing the lighting every time you walk into a room.

Let’s Find the Home Lighting Control System That’s Right for You

The right lighting control system is critical to feeling at home in your house. You need an expert to install your system to make sure you get exactly what you’re looking for.

Contact us today and tell us about your dream home and how we can help make it a reality.

Contact us today.