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What to Look For When Hiring a Smart Home Installer

Avoid Headaches and Time Drains By Working With a Professional

What to Look For When Hiring a Smart Home Installer

If your goal this year is to make some home improvements, you might have some DIY projects in mind, such as fixing up the backyard or painting the kitchen. Those of us with a little more handyman experience might be bold enough to change out plumbing fixtures or even add built-in appliances. Most of us are a YouTube tutorial away from being able to do these types of jobs. And with a plethora of smart devices on the market, you might be tempted to add these to the list. But it would help if you considered hiring an experienced professional when doing a smart home installation in your Portland, OR, home.

SEE ALSO: 3 Things You Absolutely Need for Your Smart Home Installation

Professional Level Service and Installation

Smart home installation is one of those areas where a DIY spirit may end up costing you more than it saves. The delicate and complex components in a home automation system require an experienced professional who knows their way around various systems and knows how they work together. While eliciting the help of a professional may be a no-brainer, finding the right one may prove more difficult. We recommend going with a Control4 dealer that can not only design an intuitive system but will also train you on the specifics of your home automation system.

Expertise on the Latest Features and Products

Home automation is a booming business, and it can be hard to keep track of products as they hit the market. That’s where an expert can help. Ask your installer what types of products and configurations are best depending on your family’s needs. Not only will they know the manufacturers that are the most reliable, but they also have expert knowledge on which work well together so you don’t end up with a disjointed smart home system.

They Can Offer a Variety of System Integrations

Your smart home is like its own ecosystem. There are many different types of things going on at once that have to be monitored and controlled for you and your family to live comfortably. A seasoned installer will understand the most critical systems and offer the most intuitive ways to monitor and control them through your automation system. With Control4, they’ll be able to personalize your user interface to feature the systems you use most on your home screen and make it easy to monitor the status of all of your technology.

If you’d like to talk with a seasoned installer about what a home automation system installation entails, give us a call at 503.515.1192 or chat with us on our contact page.

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